Telegram Bot API SDK (PHP)
Telegram Bot API SDK lets you develop Telegram Bots in PHP.
It offers interactions with user by generating inline or custom keyboards.
Please refer to the official documentation
The recommended way to install SDK is through Composer.
composer require leealex/telegram-sdk
// Pass your bot's token to the Bot's constructor
$bot = new leealex\telegram\Bot(BOT_TOKEN);
// Optional. Directory path to store DB files at. Default value: sys_get_temp_dir()
// Optional. Array of admins IDs
// Required. Directory path to store all bot's commands
// Optional. Aliases are primarily used for reply keyboards, which, unlike inline keyboards,
// cannot pass callback queries. Reply keyboard passes the text of the button itself,
// which may contain emoji.
'Button 1️⃣ 🙂' => 'SomeCommand argument1 argument2',
'Button 2️⃣ 👍' => 'AnotherCommand argument1',
Data storage
SDK uses lightweight NoSQL database SleekDB to store data.
Bot instance holds SleekDB object to interact with database. Use getDb() method to get SleekDB instance.
// Get DB
$db = $bot->getDb();
// Fetch data
$user = $db->findBy(['user_id', '=', 123]);
// Fetch data with query builder
$users = $db->createQueryBuilder()
->where(['type', '=', 'user'])
->orderBy(['age' => 'desc'])
// Insert data
'type' => 'user',
'user_id' => 123,
'username' => 'John',
'age' => 18
// Update data
->where(['user_id', '=', 123])
->update(['age' => 20]);
See full documentation available at